The Road to Menaggio

From Monday:

A few shots from today. Took a bus to Menaggio all along the lake, for my first Italian class. Yeah, don’t ask. I just can’t seem to speak the language! I’ll keep working on it. I need to take more time with that and I need to write things down. That’s the way I learn. I have homework so hopefully that will help. The road to Menaggio is very narrow and goes through lots of small towns. The video will show you some of the challenges that drivers face along the way. The guy in the car just couldn’t figure out how to get out of the way of the bus. Rather hilarious to the driver of our bus. Have class again tomorrow. Hopefully will see improvement. Still adjusting to everything here. Feeling sleepy at weird hours stores being closed when i’m awake, learning how to prepare meals and understanding trash disposal, and just getting around town. It’s coming along but taking longer than I thought it would. The hardest part has been getting work in the mix for any significant chunk of time. Thankfully I have an awesome assistant (thank you, Loren!) who is picking up the slack. I know I’ll get there yet. Got to be patient with myself. Hope this finds all of you well back in the States.

Rather than shooting a bunch of photos along the lake, today. I just took it all in. It should be bright and sunny tomorrow and I imagine will look completely different. The most surprising thing to me was that incredible Alps peeking out from the lake with six snow on them. And then the palm trees at the youth hostel where I’m taking the Italian lessons, juxtaposed with in Alps the background. Quite

expected. But then again in Palm Springs we have with the white snow in the background, too. But the Alps have such drama to them. Just gorgeous.

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